
Podcast Gumbo Has Moved!

Yes, it’s all grown up and has its own domain.

The Fastest Line in the Supermarket

My college roommate once posed this question (well before smartphones):

How much money would you pay to never have to wait in line for anything for the rest of your life?

I think back to that question semi-frequently, especially if I’m standing in a long line. I’m not sure I ever came up with a ballpark dollar amount but it has to be up there. $100,000?

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Focus On The First 20 Hours Not the Other 9,980 Hours


If you want to understand the concept of friction, just read anything about how it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at something. If you want to destroy someone’s motivation, mention that little tidbit.

A couple of years ago, I came across this Forbes’ interview of Josh Kaufman, who espouses that it takes 20 hours to learn a new skill. For some people, even that’s a lot of time but it sure ain’t 10,000 hours.

Of course, we are talking about two different things here – learning a new skill versus becoming an expert at it. Based on apparent research, both are correct. However, everyone needs to think and start small. 10,000 hours is not small.

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Evernote versus Apple Notes

I need to get away from Evernote. It’s not as good as it used to be. It’s certainly not worth paying for. I wish Bear or Apple Notes would be a better solution. – Me

I have been struggling with a decision on a note-taking and management app for quite awhile. I’ve been an Evernote user for a long time and have been paying for it for at least five years. It has served me well over the years for the most part. But things change. My needs and workflows have changed.

  • I used to put pdf attachments into Evernote. But I found that inefficient, mainly when I wanted to get those documents out. When I got a real scanner and started scanning a lot of files, I switched over to having my files in a simple folder structure on my laptop.
  • A lot of my notes were very short, text-based notes. Some were even temporary. Evernote was overkill.

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The Importance Of Planting a Tree

No not a real tree – a proverbial tree.

In the chance you haven’t heard this saying, it happens to be one of my favorites. It’s an old Chinese proverb. (Is there such a thing as a new Chinese proverb?)

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

If you are human, especially one near the age of 50, you tend to think of things you didn’t do when you were younger.

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Do That One Extra Task Each Day

For those of you that keep a to-do list (which you should do), those lists can get pretty large. It’s probably the main reason why some people stop keeping a list. Your list can get to be never-ending.

I came across this article the other day and immediately loved it. Notice that the article is only about 170 words. Simple.

One way to make a serious dent in that big list is to do one extra task every single day. Mind you, it doesn’t have to be a big task.

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