You Don’t Know Shit

If there is one thing that I am always reminded of as I go through life, it’s something that a co-worker told me when I was about 25. It’s the one piece of advice I would love for young people to consider.

I have no idea what we were talking about but my co-worker JD said, “you are 25. Trust me, you think you know everything but you don’t know shit.”

Here I was, working at a large communications company, getting paid pretty well at 25 and feeling like I had a good handle on life. I felt like I had a decent brain inside my melon.

He didn’t say it negatively which is why I think it has resonated with me continuously for over 25 years. Granted, I’m sure I was a little defensive when he first said it but in a meta sort of way, I continually realize even as I’m in the midst of my middle ages, I don’t know shit a lot.

That’s not to say I can’t advise young people. I just find that this is not about knowledge – it’s about the mindset that you think you know everything. The fact is, you don’t know what you don’t know.

Keep your mind open.

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